Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mosaic 40% complete!

We have been hard at work on the pebble mosaic for 12 weeks now.  By my count, we have gone through over 100, 5-gallon buckets of river and beach rock.  That's a lot of collection and hauling!  I think my body has finally caught up with the change in activities.  It's taken weeks, but I am no longer exhausted all of the time from lugging stone and concrete!  

This project has gone WAY past my expectations in terms of community participation and development.  To date, we have had over 30 local participants set stone.  I still have over 20 interested volunteers to get to before the end of the project.  In all, I would like to have 100 locals involved in some capacity, whether they set stone, collect rocks, aide in site clean-up or help organize opening ceremony festivities.  As the project evolves, so goes public interest.   Every single volunteer so far has expressed interest in returning to work on the project.  Volunteers have said they feel such a sense of ownership in the mosaic after a day of setting rock.  Everyone has enjoyed the meditative process of setting rock.  Three volunteers have applied their newly developed skills to their own pebble mosaic production, including our local Charter School who has recently begun their own 10' x 10' mosaic.  

Hello fellow Goddardites!

Alas fellow groupies...I am unable to post anything to our group blog.  I have tried all the suggestions from the help center to no avail, so I've decided to post my responses and current work here.  If anyone has any other suggestions as to what I should do to remedy this problem, please let me know.  I have emptied my cookies/cache, switched browsers and checked my settings for "compose" options.  I am able to comment, but unable to post due to a lack of edit buttons.